Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fred Savage was nicer as a kid
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[ # ] Fred Savage was nicer as a kid
November 19th, 2018 under Fred and Ben Savage, Ryan Reynolds

On December 12th, Fox is releasing a PG-13 version of Deadpool. That means no sex, no cursing, no awesome deaths, basically no fun. How do you that when 9/10ths of the movie is left on the cutting room floor?

You bring in Fred Savage, put him in his Princess Bride bedroom and have Deadpool read him a fairytale. Only thing Fred is not a cute kid anymore. Thus, the only way to get him on board is to Misery him.

Now, he is on board. Or should I say his feet are on a board?

UPDATE: Fred Savage explains how they got him to be part of the Christmas movie of this year, “’The only way I’d do a remake of a sequel of a comic book movie is if they kidnapped me and forced me to do it,’” is something I said as a joke. As. A. Joke. #onceuponadeadpool”


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