Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fox has a thing for strippers!!!
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[ # ] Fox has a thing for strippers!!!
October 7th, 2009 under Bones, Fox, Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House

Sex sells and Fox is using that tactic to get you to watch their shows!!! James Hibberd posted this new RedBand ad that will be running to promote their shows. The ad features a mash up of four of their dramas (House, Lie to Me, Bones and Fringe) all going to strip clubs and watching strippers. I never realized before this ad how many of their episodes deal with strip clubs, did you? BTW their dramas aren’t the only ones because their animated shows Family Guy and American Dad have also visited a strip club or two.
To the writers of the Fox shows, as a woman I would love to see one of your shows go to a male strip club! I think that is only fair!!!


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