Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fox cancels 3 funny sitcoms and 1 crappy drama, NBC sweet 16 news for SVU
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[ # ] Fox cancels 3 funny sitcoms and 1 crappy drama, NBC sweet 16 news for SVU
May 7th, 2014 under Fox, NBC

Fox made my DVR very happy and me very upset because they cancelled Dads, Enlisted and Surviving Jack today according to The Hollywood Reporter. Oh and they also pulled the plug on Rake, but no one cared about that show so it’s barely even worth a mention.
When it comes to the comedies, they made a huge mistake by cancelling all 3. Dads had a core audience and was the only comedy that started in the fall that made me laugh. Plus it really found its groove by the end of the season. Enlisted had a different fan base than Dads, but they were just as loyal to the very funny heartwarming show. That’s because they fought for our country. Finally Surviving Jack was screwed the second they put it on after the dying American Idol. The endearing sitcom never had a chance which is really sad because it deserved one.
But at least Fox still has the gag me with spoon Glee on for another season and that show was barely seen by 2 million people yesterday. How low can they go?
The television news wasn’t all awful today, NBC was smart enough to renew Law & Order: SVU for a 16th season. I wonder whose happier, the fans of the show or the networks that air the repeats on an endless loop all day long? I’ll go with the latter.


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