Seriously? OMG! WTF? » FOL2 Nibblz explains why she turned in Toastee
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[ # ] FOL2 Nibblz explains why she turned in Toastee
August 28th, 2006 under VH1/MTV

Nibblz responded to the Flavor of Love blogger on blogger and this is what she had to say: 

"Some people seem to think that telling Flavor Flav about Toastees pornographic past was hypocritical or cut-throat but nothing could be further from the truth.
Those of you that have seen some of my X-rated photos online may wonder how I could accuse Toastee of being a porn star when I myself have posed nude. Well, Toastee got sent home for lying about her profession and denying it all right to Flavs face. I, on the other hand, told everyone that needed to know about my debauchery. VH1 knew and says so on right on my section of the characters page. Flav knew and was eager to check out my body of work. The other girls knew as you can tell from their snide remarks. So I did not come down on Toastee for posing nude. I called her out for lying about it.
Also, lets not forget Toastees own karma. Toastee ’snitched’ on Spunkeey and Spunkeey was eliminated because of that. Toastee also pretended to be my partner in crime but, behind my back, tried to make me look even worse than her, hoping to slut by unnoticed! Unfortunately, Toastee mistook my kindness for weakness. She thought I was sooooo nice that Id just sit by and smile and keep her dirty little secret while she trashed me. That was just foolish. If I told someone a secret that I didn’t want anyone to know about Id stay on their good side or not tell them at all. :..
While I’m at it, let me remind you that in real time I really had no secret to tell since Toastees erotic photos and videos surfaced on the internet long before episode 4 aired along with many of the other girls including mine. Speaking of my own bad behavior, let me be the first to tell you
You have not seen the last of my ass! Literally " 

She is still a X-Rated BITCH for what she did. 


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