Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Family Guy’s Stewie is on Bones tonight!
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[ # ] Family Guy’s Stewie is on Bones tonight!
May 7th, 2009 under Bones, Seth MacFarlane

In one of the oddest and most original TV show crossovers in television history; Family Guy’s Stewie (yes the animated baby) will be on Bones (the live action show) as Booth’s hallucination tonight! When this crossover was announced, I was like how are they going to do it and tonight we finally get to see how! Just from that one clip, I really liked how they are doing it and can’t wait to see how it all turns out! That and I hope we are finally going to get some Booth and Bones action…you know where he rattles her bones!!!
BTW out of all my TV viewing it hit me last week that Bones is one of the very few shows I look forward to watching every week as compared to half-a$$ watching like so many of the others! So find out tonight on Fox at 8p why I love love love this show so much!!!


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[ # 382179 ] Comment from Family Guy Fan [January 26, 2010, 3:49 am]

Is that for real?! I never saw that episode.

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