Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Family Guy could end at 101 because of the WGA strike
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[ # ] Family Guy could end at 101 because of the WGA strike
November 7th, 2007 under Seth MacFarlane, WGA Strike

Variety is reporting something I never expected, Family Guy only has one more episode finished and ready to air. I thought that the animated shows were finished a year ahead of time, guess I was wrong. And reading what Seth MacFarlane is saying below, I am terrified that Family Guy might end episode 101.

"Family Guy" creator-exec producer MacFarlane was another very vocal showrunner at the rally. He maintained that Sunday's "Family Guy" is the last fully produced episode in the can.

There are other episodes close to being finished, but MacFarlane has made it clear that he has no plans to help put those segs together. MacFarlane also has another unique bit of leverage: He provides voices for many main characters on the show, and he said he would not step into the studio to record any further.

So couldn't Fox just go ahead and use other non-WGA producers to wrap things up?

"They could, but it would be unwise," MacFarlane said. "Because I would be angry."

Twentieth isn't saying what it will do.

"Our hope is that he returns to work and completes his nonwriting obligations on those episodes," a spokesman said.

Losing "Family Guy" in the middle of the November sweeps would be tough for Fox, which counts on the longtime Sunday-night staple. It wouldn't be immediately devastating, however. In a testament to just how strong a performer "Family Guy" is, the show does very well in repeats.

Note to Fox, please don't p!ss off Seth MacFarlane and wait until the strike is over before you look the complete the other episodes. Just re-air Blue Harvest (the Star Wars episode) in two parts to get you through sweeps.
BTW the Variety article talks about other shows like Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, but I just can't take anymore bad news.

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