Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Even Nick Jonas was over all of his weddings!
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[ # ] Even Nick Jonas was over all of his weddings!
March 7th, 2019 under James Corden, Jonas Brothers

James Corden went for a drive with the Jonas Brothers on The Late Late Show tonight and he decided he wanted to help them stay together with some therapy. Although, is a lie detector test therapy? And will the truth split them up again?

It started off easy enough when Joe truthfully admitted that Kevin gets on his nerves the most? Then Kevin admitted he was over all of Nick’s weddings to Priyanka Chopra. Turns out that Nick was done with them too, especially when he saw the bill.

Not only is Nick now in trouble with his wife, but he also got in trouble with his brothers when he lied about not being a better singer than them. Granted Joe is probably in trouble with both of the Mrs. Jonases because he did not tell the truth when he said that they did not get on his nerves.

Next up, Nick admitted he is the one that broke up the band, but Kevin was not truthful when he said he did not want to punch his younger brother for doing it.

We also found out who was the first brother to take off the purity ring. Who do you think it is? Of course, it was the oldest one. No surprise there, is there?

Now, we know more about them and they know more about each other too. Hopefully, not enough to call off the eventual reunion tour that they need to go on to pay for all of Nick’s weddings. Heck, they will be touring until they are in wheelchairs to pay for those many many many nuptials.


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