Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eric Stonestreet and Ken Jeong having it out on Twitter
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[ # ] Eric Stonestreet and Ken Jeong having it out on Twitter
September 15th, 2010 under Ken Jeong, Modern Family

(photos from WireImage)

Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet sent a Tweet to Community’s Ken Jeong basically asking him if he had a problem with him and now the two are having it out on Twitter.

@kenjeong hey ken. Why r u always giving me the stink eye at events? What did I do to u? I think u are super funny, so what gives?

@ericstonestreet I’d rather not talk about it in public, Eric Stonestreet. Thank god this is a private direct message and not a tweet.

@kenjeong uh Ken? This IS a public tweet and you just admitted you DO have an issue with me.

@ericstonestreet I don’t have a problem with you, tubby. Again, thank god this is a private email.

@kenjeong who u callin tubby, neddle dick?!

@ericstonestreet Okay dude, whatever. Remember that 2001 film audition? I do.

@kenjeong what r u talking about!? Maybe u didn’t, but I had a just FEW more than 1 audition in 2001. Can’t we just b happy 4 each other?

@ericstonestreet Wow. U really don’t remember. And if u must know, I had 3 auditions in ’01, so there. Guess I won that argument.
@ericstonestreet You may have won an Emmy, but I did BET Comic View 3 years in a row. And last time I checked, 3 is greater than 1. #iwin

@kenjeong I know nothing about u. I just read you used to b a Dr. A Dr. of what? Proctology? Cause u seem like an asshole. #iwin

@ericstonestreet Wow. Jealous much? I have a pain in my ass and you, sir, are it. #selfdiagnosis

@kenjeong Yes Ken. I’m jealous. Jealous of you sir. But then, who isn’t?

@ericstonestreet U see? That is just like u, Eric. U say things like that and u make it impossible for me to hate u. #whenharrymetsally

@kenjeong I say we meet and figure this out.

@ericstonestreet Ur right, let’s meet up. We can work it out. There are bigger things happening here than me & you. #Beatles #Spiderman2

@kenjeong I DM u my number and u call and hang up? 5 times? Really Ken? Y r u scared 2 talk 2 me? Keep it up, and I tweet ur #

@ericstonestreet oops ,my houseboy tests out new phone # 5 times 2 see if they’re legit. so sorry, will call back #passiveaggressive

@kenjeong thanks for the voicemail ken. it almost seemed sincere. good luck with the upcoming season of your show.

@ericstonestreet Aww thanks, you too, broseph! Almost Sincere is the working title of my one man show. Actually, that’s a lie. #frenemy

I hope these two work it out because they are too funny to let something this unfunny come between them.
I don’t know about you, but I want to know what happened at the audition 9 years ago?

UPDATE: At first I thought this might have been two comedic actors trying to pull one over on us followers, but now it seems like they mean it. I guess we won’t see Ken on Modern Family or Eric on Community anytime soon…

UPDATE 2: I have a Hangover from their Twitter fight! Hopefully they will meet and hug it out!!! And if they do then their Tweets then maybe their Tweets will have a much different tone…


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