Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ellen scares her staff in a meeting
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[ # ] Ellen scares her staff in a meeting
September 26th, 2018 under Ellen DeGeneres

As we know Ellen DeGeneres has a lot of fun scaring people and loves to do it on camera. Most of the time she does it to her guests, but sometimes she shares the wealth with her staff.

The daytime talk show host recently saw a video of two pythons falling through a vent in a house in Australia and that gave her an idea. She decided to get some rubber snakes, have someone go in the crawl space above the room and then suddenly have them drop them through a vent. That vent is over Allison, who is terrified of snakes.

Only DeGeneres and her EP Steve knew about it. Which means the rest of the staff had no idea. How did they react? Lots of screams, laughs and few people jumped out of their seats. In other words, just the way she wanted them to react.


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