Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Elementary scores a Super Bowl sized touchdown!
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[ # ] Elementary scores a Super Bowl sized touchdown!
November 5th, 2012 under CBS, Super Bowl

Every year TV folk wonder which show is going to get the coveted post-Super Bowl slot and this year it is Elementary scores that goal! The freshman procedural stars Jonny Lee Miller as a modern day Sherlock Holmes and Lucy Liu plays his Watson. Currently it is the #2 new show of the year and I am sure after its special airing on February 3rd, it will become the #1 one.
Personally if I were running CBS, I would have a Two and a Half Men/Big Bang Theory crossover episode. I think that would’ve been a huger success because it already does so well in the ratings. Or maybe a NCIS/NCIS: Los Angeles crossover one because they are the top-rated scripted shows. I don’t know, I just don’t think Elementary is a good fit with the Super Bowl audience. What do you think?


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