Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eddie Murphy wanted to spend the night with his family?
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[ # ] Eddie Murphy wanted to spend the night with his family?
February 27th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Oscars

According to a statement from Eddie Murphy's publicist Arnold Robinson, "Eddie had always planned on leaving after his category was announced to spend the rest of the evening with his family. He did the same thing following the Golden Globe Awards."
People who published the statement said that before he left, he had a long conversation with Harvey Weinstein in the lobby. Us Weekly broke the story that reason for Eddie Murphy's departure was because he was a sore loser. I find it kind of weird that someone would leave the Oscars to spend time with his family. But then again Eddie Murphy walks to the beat of his own drum. So do you think he wanted to spend time with his family or he really is a sore loser?


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