Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eddie Murphy doesn’t like to lose
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[ # ] Eddie Murphy doesn’t like to lose
February 26th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Oscars



Us Weekly reports that shortly after Eddie Murphy lost out to Alan Arkin for Best Supporting Actor, he got up and left the show. A few years ago Will Smith left the Oscars early to tend to a sick child, but he wasn't nominated at the time. I wonder what Eddie Murphy's excuse will be? Was he trying to beat the limo line? Jack Nicholson's bald head was blinding him? Scary Spice said she got the DNA results and the baby is his? Ellen did not stop by and say hi? He just can't handle being loser? Hopefully his publicist will write some great BS story why he walked out, can't wait to read it! 


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