Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eddie Murphy admits he is the father
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[ # ] Eddie Murphy admits he is the father
August 3rd, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls

Two days after Melanie B aka Scary Spice held a press conference about wanting Eddie Murphy to admit he is the dad of Angel and a day after she had lunch with his ex, Eddie Murphy finally released a statement about the baby to Entertainment Tonight:
"Eddie Murphy always has and will continue to honor his responsibilities as a father. Mr. Murphy and Ms. Brown dated very briefly and never made any plans of ANY sort. He acknowledges paternity of the child Angel, and has paid child support to Ms. Brown as well as covering the expenses of her pregnancy. Mr. Murphy views this as a private matter and as such, will not be making any further comments about it."
So if he has been paying child support what more does she want? To humiliate him the same way he humiliated her? She needs to start thinking more about her daughter and the Spice Girls' tour and less about herself.  

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