Seriously? OMG! WTF? » E! chyrons Jameela Jamil as her TV sister
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[ # ] E! chyrons Jameela Jamil as her TV sister
January 7th, 2019 under Awards, Jameela Jamil

via Alyssa
E! snagged an interview with Jameela Jamil from The Good Place, and now they might be in a bad place with her. That is because they chyroned her as Kamilah Al-Jamil, the name of her sister on the show. Whoops!

Even though TGP is an NBC show with one of the star’s being nominated, I guess they were not figuring the whole cast to show up on the red carpet. Therefore, when she came to the mic, and her publicist gave the producer her name, all someone heard was Al-Jamil. That person then looked up the name on IMDB and saw her sister’s character name and not the actress’. Whoops.

It happens during live TV as much as you do not want it too.


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