Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Don’t call him Screech or Dustin Diamond will fine you
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[ # ] Don’t call him Screech or Dustin Diamond will fine you
December 8th, 2006 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys, Unadmirable People

Now that he’s opted for an exciting career in homemade porn, perhaps actor Dustin Diamond will be able to book more personal appearances during which he regales audiences with stories from his days as Screech on TV’s "Saved By The Bell." If that happens, promoters nationwide will have to adhere to rules promulgated in the contract rider Diamond has previously circulated (a copy of that document can be found below). The 29-year-old Diamond, you see, is very strict when it comes to his billing, which should not be Screech-centric, since that was "one of many characters that Artist portrayed earlier in his career." In fact, violations of Diamond’s billing policy will result in a promoter being levied a $100 fine for every offending ad, flyer, or marquee. Other Diamond demands include "one well-lit parking space" at the venue, two pints of "chilled" chocolate milk in his dressing room, and round-trip airfare. "Artist," though, "will not fly stand by." And when deplaning, he is to "be met at the airport gate with a sign that says: ‘DIAMOND.’" The rider also notes that Diamond does two types of shows: stand-up performances and lectures. When he’s telling jokes (some of which are blue), "You are getting a mature Dustin Diamond not Screech," the rider notes. During a lecture, Diamond speaks about breaking into the business and offers behind-the-scenes stories from "Saved By The Bell." He will also do "the Screech voice, face, and walk." The agreement also allows Diamond to cancel appearances in case he is "called upon to render his services in connection with a motion picture(s), television show(s), legitimate stage play, or Nevada or Atlantic City engagement(s)."

The Smoking Gun (check out the site for the Ryder)

Seriously why would anyone book him in the first place? And then if did book him, why would they want to keep him if they could not promote him as Screech? I mean this guy is a jerk and what else has he done besides Screech and the most boring sex tape in history? He needs to get over himself because we have all gotten over him!


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