I guess there really are rats in the White House because today a baby mouse fell from the ceiling and landed on NBC’s Peter Alexander lap. Since Rachel Maddow was not there for him to give the exclusive to, he ran in to press room to see who would be a good alternate.
Since nothing has happened there in months, Shannon Pettypiece and the press got so excited they chased after him like he was Bob Mueller finally making an appearance there with some new information. All of them hoping to get the scoop and not having to scoop up after him.
Since he is a White House employee born in this administration, he was out of there before anyone knew his name. However, the pool got his name and it is Liddle’ Fuzzball. No word if he is the whistleblower, but he obviously knows something.
Let’s get serious for a moment. You know things are really going down at the WH over the impeachment proceedings because the rats are literally jumping ship.
To see Liddle’ (with a dash and not an apostrophe) Fuzzball’s face, then