Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Does Eminem look like Jack White to you?
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[ # ] Does Eminem look like Jack White to you?
January 12th, 2018 under Eminem, Game Shows

The other night on Jeopardy, they had a category on the game show called Vinyl Resting Place. Alex Trebek asked them questions about vinyl records and for the $1,200 clue they even had a photo of the singer. Yet, Rebecca totally guessed wrong on the vocalist. She heard Detroit and immediately went with Eminem. But if you look at that photo, you can tell that Jack White looks absolutely nothing like the rapper. When has the Real Slim Shady ever had long black hair, facial hair or wore any type of hat other than a baseball cap?

I should not knock Rebecca too much. I might know what Marshall Mathers looks like, but I sure as hell do not the answer to most of those other questions. Do you?


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