Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do you find this Zombie Nativity scene offensive?
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[ # ] Do you find this Zombie Nativity scene offensive?
December 23rd, 2014 under Christmas Music

Sycamore Township in Ohio is so offended by Jasen Dixon’s Zombie Nativity that they ordered him to take it down by the day after Christmas or face legal actions. Now, I should clarify that Sycamore Township does not say in their paperwork that they find the content in violation, Fox 19 says instead it says, “Sycamore Township does not allow structures to be located in the front or the side yard to occupy more than 35 percent of the area. Also, the primary structure must be three feet from the street, and six feet from the house.” I have to wonder if other houses that have the traditional Nativity scene got the same violation?
Dixon runs the 13 Rooms of Doom, and used some of the leftover props for his Christmas display. Several of his uptight neighbors complained and now he is being forced to take it down. You would think that people who live on Vorhees (Jason’s last name in the Friday the 13th franchise) Lane would be a little more understanding, but I guess not. Especially, if you think about, Jesus kind of was a Zombie. You know, he died and then rose again, which is basically what they are. I am not trying to offend anyone, just stating a thought.
And what are you thoughts about Dixon’s Zombie Christmas? I love the baby Jesus! But I am weird that way!


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