Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did you know that Justin Theroux is in two of the Oscar nominated films?
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[ # ] Did you know that Justin Theroux is in two of the Oscar nominated films?
February 24th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, Justin Theroux

The only thing I know about Justin Theroux is that he is dating Jennifer Aniston, so imagine my shock when he told Jimmy Kimmel that he was in not one but two of the Oscar nominated films. He actually appeared in both War Horse and the Descendents. Watch the clips that were shown on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night and see if you remember him being in either film. It is a travesty that he was not nominated for War House.
BTW dating the Friend has been good for him because even though he is in two of the Oscar nominated movies, last night was the first time he has ever been on a late night talk show. He was there promoting his movie Wanderlust that also stars his girlfriend.


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