Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did Joel McHale have the longest talk show entrance?
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[ # ] Did Joel McHale have the longest talk show entrance?
March 12th, 2025 under Jimmy Kimmel, Joel McHale

Joel McHale was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote tomorrow’s season finale of Animal Control on Fox, and boy, did he make an entrance.

He came out and hugged Kimmel. That is where most entrances end. But it didn’t. He then walked over to the audience to say a quick hi to his mom, who was sitting there to celebrate her 80th birthday.

So, now will he go sit down? Nope. The host told him he forgot to put his arms around Guillermo. Off he went to right a wrong. And he kept going, hugging all of the band and crew who were on the stage.

After around 90 seconds, there was no one left to hug. Finally, the interview began. And we got to meet McHale’s mom, who looks familiar, but I can’t place where I have seen her.

When it was all done, the Community star was not done with his hug-a-thon. Therefore, he went out to Hollywood Blvd. and hugged everyone in the community. Rumor has it he is still there.


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