Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Deadpool and Wolverine go Heinz ketchup and mustard
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[ # ] Deadpool and Wolverine go Heinz ketchup and mustard
July 15th, 2024 under Hugh Jackman, Junk Food, Ryan Reynolds

A few weeks ago, I wondered why no condiment company teamed up with Deadpool and Wolverine to turn the unlikely superhero into ketchup and mustard. And I guess Heinz read my mind because that is what they are doing.

“After seeing the conversation on social media highlighting the similarities between our two iconic duos – Deadpool & Wolverine and HEINZ Ketchup & Mustard – we knew we had to team up with the film,” says Lizzy Goodman, Brand Communications Manager for HEINZ U.S. at The Kraft Heinz Company. “Once we made that connection – we couldn’t unsee it – as these similarities go beyond color. One’s sweet, one’s zesty. Everybody has a favorite, but really, they’re better together. And most importantly, whether at the movie theater or a cookout, both duos play starring roles in an epic summer.”

A limited amount of the iconic duo of condiments will be available on Heinz’s social media over the next few weeks.


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