Seriously? OMG! WTF? » David Oyelowo was a virgin when he got married!
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[ # ] David Oyelowo was a virgin when he got married!
February 16th, 2017 under David Oyelowo, Larry King

David Oyelowo was a guest on Larry King Now and the Ora TV host wanted to know something about him that people don’t know. He said he was a virgin until the day he married his wife at 22, 18 years ago. King had to know why and how he waited so long. O-yellow-o told him, “It was always, a gift, I had, hoped to give my wife and so I did.”

Doesn’t that just make you love him more? Who doesn’t want a man who wants to give his virginity to his wife. It worked because nearly 2 decades and 4 kids later, they are still going strong. Maybe more of us should wait. Too late for many of us, but it is a nice thought.

Back to Oyelowo, how much do you love his deep laugh? I could listen to that all day long.


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