Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Grohl gives the rockingest answer to cancelling tour dates over Coronavirus
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[ # ] Dave Grohl gives the rockingest answer to cancelling tour dates over Coronavirus
March 17th, 2020 under Coronavirus, Foo Fighters

Back in 2015, Dave Grohl broke his leg during a Foo Fighters‘ concert and kept on playing. Nothing will stop him. Well, almost nothing.

Hi, this is Dave.

Remember me? The guy who wouldn’t even postpone a show when my goddamn leg was falling off?

Well… playing a gig with a sock full of broken bones is one thing, but playing a show when YOUR health and safety is in jeopardy is another…

We fuckin’ love you guys. So let’s do this right and rain check shit. The album is done, and it’s fuckin’ killer. The lights and stage are in the trucks, ready to go. The SECOND we are given the go ahead, we’ll come tear shit up like we always do. Promise.

Now go wash your hands.


I am sure as soon as they are given the go-ahead, they will be the first band to play where ever they needed, which is everywhere.


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