Danica McKellar loves math. Therefore, she did some math about the show she starred on from 1988-1993. Even though Wonder Years aired in the ’80s, it was based in the ’60s. Actually it took place from 1968-1972. That is 20 years before the year the show debuted.
Back then, the ’60s seemed like a lifetime ago. Right? Let’s put it in perspective. If they did the show in 2020, then that would mean it would start out in the year 2000. Y2K does not feel like a lifetime ago for us. Does it?
It makes you feel old, right? It did the same for the actress because she wrote, “I’m trying very hard not to have this make me feel ‘old’ but rather have it astonish me with how lengths of time feel so drastically shorter as we get older.” I see where she is going with that thought, but it made me feel old more than made it me feel astonished. What about you?