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[ # ] Da ya think DNCE is sexy?
August 25th, 2017 under Jonas Brothers, Rod Stewart

Back in 1978, Rod Stewart released Da Ya Think I’m Sexy? Now nearly 40 years later, DNCE is updating the baby making tune with the Rock legend himself.

Which is pretty incredible because if you think about it, most likely none of the parents of the band members were thinking about having sex back when the song came out. At least not with each other. Especially, when you consider the oldest member of the group is 35. Which really proves how timeless the song truly is. I mean if there is excitement to work on a song that came out years before you were born, it proves it will still be around for your kids to enjoy when they are the age that they are now. I mean, who does not like singing those lyrics to their lover and sexily moving their body to the beat? I know I do and this version works even better for that purpose!

BTW my hat is off to DNCE to being working with all these legends with raspy voices. They started the week off jamming with Bonnie Tyler as they all sang Total Eclipse of the Heart during the total eclipse and then they are ending the week rocking with Rod Stewart at the VMAs on Sunday with this number. What do you think of this remixed version of the hit?


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