Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Craig Ferguson loses power during tonight’s Late Late Show!
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[ # ] Craig Ferguson loses power during tonight’s Late Late Show!
October 27th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson

(starts at 1:07)

So today it is very very very windy day here in Los Angeles and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson lost power when he was interviewing Alicia Silverstone and he had to continue the rest of the show with flashlights according to what the show’s amazing publicist told me. Since the show airs live on CBS at 12:35a, I am just psychic so I predict he will lose power on the show tonight when he interviews Alicia Silverstone. That and he will do “What Did We Learn On The show Tonight, Craig?” with just flashlights.
BTW I posted the above clip of Craig when he was on The Drew Carey Show because the song they are singing is Windy by The Association and for some reason I felt it was relevant to this post!!!

UPDATE: Here is the video from the show when and after the lights went out! I love when the lights go out and the guy says to Craig Ferguson, “Keep going.”

(starts at 9:08 in)


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