Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien rolls out the red carpet for the Oscars
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien rolls out the red carpet for the Oscars
February 26th, 2025 under Conan O'Brien, Oscars

via Good Morning America

The Oscars are Sunday night, but Hollywood is getting ready for them today. So, Conan O’Brien, who is thankfully hosting this year, was there to help out and get his hands dirty. So, he, Anthony, Rudy, and Ignacio got down on their knees and rolled out the red carpet that the celebrities are going to walk on on Movie’s Biggest Night.

After just five rolls, he needed a break, so he laid down on top of the unrolled carpet because manual labor is hard for a man who will spend five hours telling jokes.

Seriously, I respect him for doing that. But then again, he is my favorite late host.

Who else is excited that he got the job this year?


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