Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien learns how to dance at Alvin Alley!
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien learns how to dance at Alvin Alley!
November 2nd, 2016 under Conan O'Brien

When it comes to remotes, no one does it better than Conan O’Brien.
Now that he is doing a week of shows in Harlem, he decided to try things in NY that he didn’t do when he was there the first time with that other Late Night show. Things like taking a dance class at Alvin Alley.
How did it go? As hilarious as you would expect it to go. When it comes to the other dancers, holy wow are the amazing. I wish I could do what they do, but I look like the TBS host when I try anything like that.


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