Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Comedian Will King rips Justin Timberlake a new one!
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[ # ] Comedian Will King rips Justin Timberlake a new one!
June 24th, 2024 under Justin Timberlake

Will King likes to parody songs from the ’90s, and his latest one turns *NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye into a DUI.

Last week, the comedian released the first part of the song. It pretty much kept to the facts.

However, for the second part, he really went for it. And I have never seen him do that with any of his other parodies. I am so here for it.

It starts off simply; JT knew he shouldn’t drink or drive. But then…he brings up that the cop didn’t know who the singer was, ruined his failing tour, he’s no longer too good for his old band, and at least Britney Spears never got a DUI!

So, as King sits there wearing a hat, I am taking mine off to him!


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