Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Coldplay will bore us during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show
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[ # ] Coldplay will bore us during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show
December 3rd, 2015 under CBS, Super Bowl
You would think that because CBS airs football on Thursday and Sunday nights that they would know something about their fans, and you would be completely wrong. First they announced that The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is going to follow the Super Bowl, and they are so not the audience for that show. Then today they along with Pepsi announced that Coldplay is going to play the halftime show. Are they trying to put us to sleep?
Seriously, why are they trying to make Coldplay a thing? They were never a thing. Even at the height of their career, only a few people really thought wow, I love their music. They suck. They are boring. Football fans would rather watch the Puppy and Kitten Bowls over Coldplay. The only way men will care about Gwyneth Paltrow’s uncoupled man is if they have hot women dancing with them. Otherwise, expect people to ignore the lackluster performance.
Seriously, why hasn’t anyone asked Bon Jovi to do it? Now that is a band that could get the stadium rocking!


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[ # 1257097 ] Comment from TxGal [December 4, 2015, 7:02 am]

Bruno Mars was fantastic last year. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. But Cold Play fore sure will put us to sleep.

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