Christie Brinkley/Instagram
Christie Brinkley is 69 years old but doesn’t look a day over 29. It is kind of frustrating to look in the mirror and see myself age, but the Uptown Girl doesn’t.
Although. Age is starting to catch up with her. That is because the model finally revealed that her hair is changing colors.
“Grey sky! Gray hair! The second you see gray hair it raises the question, just like when you cut bangs ..to keep or not to keep? Thank goodness both are just a personal preference or a fun change of pace,” she wrote. “My son thinks it looks cool, but I think I may want to wait till it’s more like the silver whitecaps than the grey wave itself! The verdict is still out!”
What do you think she should do? Keep her locks the color of the sand, or should she let it become the color of sea foam? She will look ageless whether she blonde or she is gray.