Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Charmin trolls the man who ate 17 Ghost Peppers in a minute!
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[ # ] Charmin trolls the man who ate 17 Ghost Peppers in a minute!
August 11th, 2022 under Guinness World Records

Gregory Foster ate 17 Ghost Peppers in a minute, and now he holds the Guinness World record for most Bhut Jolokia chili peppers eaten in one minute.

As anyone who eats spicy food can tell you, it hurts going in, and it hurts, even more, coming out. Therefore, Charmin has a message for the record holder, “We’ll see you on the other side 👀”

Charmin, let’s be honest; even your strong toilet paper will be no match for his butthole when the chilis come out. And out of all of the toilet papers, I think you have the best chance of surviving.

So when you fail, I will be here to give you a squeeze. Oh, wait…


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