Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Celebrate Halloween early with ghosts on VH1’s Celebrity Paranormal Project on Sunday
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[ # ] Celebrate Halloween early with ghosts on VH1’s Celebrity Paranormal Project on Sunday
October 27th, 2006 under Halloween, VH1/MTV

Celebrity Paranormal Project” airs Sunday nights at 10 PM ET/PT on VH1.

Sunday night’s episode: Supermodel Rachel Hunter, comedian Godfrey, Baywatch’s Traci Bingham, workout guru Tony Little, and Survivor winner Ethan Zohn visit New England to stay overnight at an abandoned asylum for the criminally insane. The team investigates the story of a female patient who claimed she was possessed by a dangerous entity named “Pearl” who forced her to violently kill her own brother. Unable to escape Pearl within the walls of her padded cell, she eventually chose a brutal form of suicide to end her suffering. It’s no laughing matter when Godfrey flees the pitch-black underground tunnels, leaving Rachel alone to face the ghost of Pearl. By night’s end, Traci’s fear jeopardizes the team’s chance of completing their investigation.


After watching the first episode, I am so addicted to this show! This episode should be interesting because of the cast of celebrities. After watching both Rachel Hunter and Traci Bingham on other reality shows, it is going to be fun to watch as the ghosts torment them! You know they are going to be all bitchy and crying and over-dramatic everytime they hear the slightest little noise…he he!


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