Seriously? OMG! WTF? » CBS pulls the plug on Code Black
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[ # ] CBS pulls the plug on Code Black
May 24th, 2018 under CBS, Marcia Gay Harden, Rob Lowe
Michael Saltzman broke the sad news that his show Code Black will not be back next season on CBS. He wrote, “Dear #CodeBlack fans, the sad news came today that we were cancelled. It’s been a true joy to make this show and watch your response every week. Thank you for all of your passion. Truly, our best episodes have yet to air. We hope you’ll watch and enjoy them. We made them for you.”

I have seen the remaining episodes and he is not overexaggerating how good those episodes truly are. Will fans be upset with the, now, series finale? He addressed that and said, “We always suspected this would be the last season. We wrote it to end that way.” Again, having seen that episode, I think fans will be very satisfied with the ending.

I am sad to see this medical drama go because it was a different take than the other shows like it. Because of that, it was a fast-paced enjoyable hour of television. Plus, it had a really great cast that includes Marcia Gay Harden, Luis Guzman, Ben Hollingsworth and Rob Lowe. I wish CBS would have kept it around as a summer show, but at least we have the remaining episodes that air Wednesdays at 10p.


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