Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Ferrell
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BTWF roles: Will Ferrell on Grace Under Fire
November 20th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Frat Pack, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 11:50 in)

Before Will Ferrell was an alcoholic in Everything Must Go, he was going to AA meetings on Grace Under Fire. He looks the same now as he did when he was 27 years old in that 1995 episode.


Will Ferrell’s mustache is bushier than his hair!
January 25th, 2013 under Frat Pack, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]
Will Ferrell was seen out at the premiere of Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters and he debuted his new shorter haircut and a very full mustache. So I think that only means one thing, he has gotten his Ron Burgundy on.
Now I want to know what type of weed wacker he is going to use to get that mustache off when he is done filming Anchorman 2? That thing is scary. It can take out someone’s eye or worse.


Will Ferrell stars in the XXX version of Big Dick, Little Chicks!
August 9th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Frat Pack, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien launched a site called XXX with a certain type of movie genre and his newest one Big Dick, Little Chicks stars Will Ferrell. The Anchorman plays a role he is very familiar with and that is a Big Dick. But just like every movie he has some co-stars in it and they are played by Little Chicks. Words cannot describe this film, so all I will tell you about it is that you will totally eat it up. That is unless your a vegan or a vegetarian.
Side note – No chicks were hurt in the making of the Big Dick, Little Chicks, but they made for good chicken nuggets at the wrap party.


Will Ferrell calls Kristen Stewart a Trampire!!!
August 2nd, 2012 under Frat Pack, Kristen Stewart, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]

Will Ferrell is on Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show tonight at 11p and he seemed very upset. So the red headed host asked him what was wrong and he completely lost when he explained that he is so broken up that Kristen Stewart aka K-Stew cheater on Robert Pattinson aka R-Patz. I have seen the YouTube where Twihards have cried over the affair and none of them were as torn up as the Anchorman. Who knew he was so into the Twilight movies? I guess the “Trampire” won’t be in any of his movies any time soon. BTW I love the name he gave her, it is so fitting.


Will Ferrell is as good of a dog trainer as his recent movies
March 22nd, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Frat Pack, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]

Will Ferrell shared with Conan O’Brien on the TBS late night show what he does in his free time. The Anchorman trains dogs to do obstacle courses. You have to watch what happened on Conan because it will make you laugh harder than you did when you saw Land of the Lost and Step Brothers to name a few. Granted that isn’t that hard to do, but I enjoyed it more than Elf and that was one of his better ones.


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