Vanna White is beginning her 35th season, yes 35th, of Wheel of Fortune, and yet the 60-year-old looks even more gorgeous now than she did in 1982. I need to know what her secret is? If it is turning letters around, than give me some letters ASAP because she looks like she won the grand prize of ageing.
The other day on Wheel of Fortune, almost all of the letters were turned around for a clue and Kevin was convinced he knew the answer. Instead of guessing the answer straight away, he went the greedy way and kept spinning the wheel. Finally, he was down to his final letter. A letter he got, oh so wrong.
Most people who know old Hollywood and Broadway plays, know the answer is A Streetcar Named Desire, but not Kevin. He thought the M was a K, and that would make it a whole different kind of story.
A title I am surprised that Pat Sajak didn’t say aloud because he has wicked sense of humor. This would’ve been something for him to have as much fun with as we are having.
What else is there to say, but, “Stttttteeeeeeelllllllaaaa!”
Wheel of Fortune is all about solving puzzles, and yesterday Pat Sajak decided to test the contestants knowledge about Geography.
David and Keri solved the Prize Puzzle Round’s puzzle that reads “Gondola Ride Through Venice,” and that meant that their prize is to go here. The host wanted to see if they knew what country they were going to and David said, “Paris.” Then he thought about that and realized Paris is a city and not a country, so he guessed again. This time he said, “France.” Which is a country, but not the one that Venice is in. Keri then asked the Sajak, “Do we still get it?” Thankfully, they do and off to Italy they will be going. And I am sure that David will never ever forget that Venice is Italy.
If this was Jeopardy, David would have to take his wife out for a very expensive Italian dinner in their hometown to make up for his error. But since it isn’t, they will just have to eat Italian food in Italy instead. Good thing the couple went on the right game show for him.
This week, not one but two contestants on Wheel of Fortune made some incredible correct guesses. Both of them were able to do it with just the letter T on the board. Shawn figured out “Training for a Triathlon” with 3 just three Ts up there and Rufus got “Championship Match” with just one.
I am not sure whose guess was more impressive, so I will say it is a tie or toss-up. Two puzzles, I am sure they would be able to solve because both words have a T in them.
On Friday’s episode of Wheel of Fortune, not only did Matt DeSanto solve a puzzle with just one letter, he also went on to be the largest main-game winner. First, he wowed everyone when he was able to solve the puzzle with just the second “E” of The Lone Ranger revealed. Then he kept on winning, so much so he ended the day with $91,892 in winnings. That is the largest amount won by a player in a single episode during the show’s run. Not a bad way to start off 2015!