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What happens if you put Ivory Soap in the microwave?
March 5th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

I guess Weird Al Yankovic has way too much time on hands as he preps for his world tour because he was able to watch what happens to Ivory Soap if you cook it in the microwave. Not only did he watch it with his own eyes, he used a camera to document his experiment.
So what’s the results? Something so beautiful that you will find yourself watching this video over and over and over again. I don’t know about you, but I am running out to Costco to get the cheapest soap they have. This way I can do the same thing and use the finished product as art pieces around my house. It will go great with the the Peeps I made in the microwave.


Weird Al Yankovic eats it!
January 19th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Weird Al Yankovic might be 55 years old, but that doesn’t mean he can’t act like a 5 year old every now and again. Case in point, the man who is White & Nerdy decided to slip and slide on a Slip ‘N Slide. At first he loved it because he felt like a kid all over again. But then when he got to end he remembered why he doesn’t do it anymore. That’s cause he made like his song, Eat It. I wonder if he will write an Achy Break Song about his adventure. Either that or it knocked some sense into him and he’s done singing parodies. Which I hope is not case.


Another champagne glass violated, this time by Weird Al Yankovic
November 18th, 2014 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Kim Kardashian tainted an innocent champagne by glass by placing it on her enormous butt. This week, a golden Weird Al Yankovic decided to a strike a twisted pose with one between his toes for GQ. All I want to know is what did champagne glasses do these people that they feel they can violate them like that.
With New Year’s Eve coming up in a month and a half, let’s try to remember this poor flutes when raise a glass at 12m. Let’s honor the sacrifice they made for art.


Do Gilbert Gottfried & Weird Al Yankovic have something to tell us?
October 1st, 2014 under Do they have something to tell us?, Gilbert Gottfried, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Gilbert Gottfried Tweeted this photo of Weird Al Yankovic and him in a sweet embrace, and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? Normally, I would say it is just the two funny men having some fun, but Gilbert hinted to something more in the caption. He wrote, “My account was hacked, exposing my sexy pictures with Weird Al Yankovic. @alyankovic”. About time we started getting some male action in this Fappening scandal, and this is a great start!


Galavant answers our prayers with Weird Al Yankovic!
September 1st, 2014 under Galavant, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: 1 ]

As if I needed another reason to love my favorite new show of the year, they give yet another one. First, they created a musical fairytale that we can all enjoy. Then the ABC show cast John Stamos as Galavant’s rival. And now today, Joshua Sassee, who plays the lead role, Tweeted the above photo and said, “You try working with weird Al Yankovic and keep a straight face. I dare you. @alyankovic #Galavant”
That’s right, Weird Al Yankovic follows up his first #1 album and Emmy performance, by playing a Monk on the show according to klikkonthis. That is some heavenly news! Amen!
I seriously can’t wait for you to see the show that I’ve been singing the praises about since I first saw it. It truly is something to sing about.

UPDATE: Karen David, who plays Princess Isabella, gave this update on Facebook, “4:40am. The eyelids are heavy…never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to being in a confessional booth…with the very lovely, Weird Al Yankovic!” Can you imagine being trapped in a confessional with the Schlock Rocker? Actually I can, and I am so jealous of David.

UPDATE: To see a photo of Weird Al Yankovic in his Galavant costume with Princess Isabella, then more click here!


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