Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Weird Al Yankovic
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Weird Al Yankovic is kicking it old skool for The Goldbergs!
January 26th, 2016 under The Goldbergs, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Weird Al Yankovic doesn’t look like he did in the ’80s, but he will for one night only on The Goldbergs, February 17th. The Schlock Rock singer put on a curly haired wig, found an old of his glasses and grew out a mustache to transform into his former-self. If you didn’t know it was 2016, you would swear we were back in the ’80something. It is like he hasn’t aged a day in 30 years.
In all seriousness, he has aged really well. Can you believe he is 56? He looks just like he did when he was 26. I want to know the number to his Like a Surgeon.


Weird Al Yankovic got old
August 20th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Weird Al Yankovic is on tour and I guess it is taking its toll on him. The Schlock Rocker shared a photo of himself and his long brown curls have been replaced by a short grey do.
I would say he should give up touring but his concerts are too good to end. He should keep doing it until he can’t do it anymore.


That’s one way to preserve Weird Al Yankovic
June 27th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Weird Al Yankovic is a natural treasure and the Comedy Music Hall of Fame decided to make him just that. They encased the Schlock Rock singer and put him on display, so we can see him whenever we want. Although, if they didn’t punch any holes in that case, then we better visit as soon as we can or he won’t be there to see. Although, they could mummify him like some other museums have done with some of their most famous dead residents.


What do you think of Weird Al Yankovic’s Polka Face?
May 13th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Weird Al Yankovic began his tour in Las Vegas yesterday and he couldn’t figure out what to do with his hair. So he came up with a creative way to decide, but I think the decision was already made.
If I can weigh in on his hard decision I say he should go as is! What do you think?
To find out if he is taking to The Mandatory Tour to a city near you, then click here.


Weird Al Yankovic is still White & Nerdy!
May 11th, 2015 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

The thing we love most about Weird Al Yankovic, is not only his music, but his quirkiness. On Saturday, the Schlock Rock singer saw one of those mechanical elephant rides, he paid the $.50 and went on one of those another one rides the bus. He is so happy on it, it looks like he’s in an Amish paradise.
Hopefully, he will buy one for his tour and perform this way.
I will stop because even I will admit, I am becoming tacky!


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