Dean Norris just can’t get out from Under the Dome! |
September 2nd, 2013 under Dean Norris, Under The Dome. [ Comments: 2 ]

Dean Norris aka Big Jim has gotten so used to being trapped Under the Dome, that now he travels with his own personal dome to be under.
To find out why he likes it so much tune into CBS at 10p to see who he kills next in his own sadistic way.
BTW you Time Warner subscribers will be happy to know that CBS and the cable company have finally reached an agreement and the Eye should be back on your TVs as you read this.
Why did Jolene Purdy aka Dodee stop reading Under the Dome? |
August 19th, 2013 under Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]

Under the Dome is the surprise huge hit of the summer that is being seen by the amount of people that most falls show wish they were being viewed by on a weekly basis. So why is this show that airs Mondays at 10p on CBS doing so great in the ratings? Well one of the stars of the show, Jolene Purdy, told me what the producers told her the actors should be focusing on. She said they advised them, “It is not about the Dome, it is about the people and their human spirit as they are facing this crisis.”
It is these people that we have grown to care about and to love, and Jolene Purdy’s Dodee quickly became a fan favorite. Dodee works at the radio station, and she is trying her hardest to hear the communications going on the other side of the Dome. So far it has just been bits and pieces, but the little tidbits have made a difference. Not as much as she made in episode 5, when Barbie saw her signing to a family member. He then asked her if she could read lips, and when she told them that he could he used her to communicate with an officer on the other side. The soldier told them they were going to send the Mother of All Bombs to Chester’s Mill, and the town was able to prepare for the impact because of her. It is the little things like this that make us adore her. And it’s the little like learning sign language that she was able to cross off of her acting bucket list. Another thing she crossed off, is that she got to do her own stunts. Something we have yet to see, but we should be looking out for in a future episode.
Now as you know Under the Dome is based on a Steven King book and except for the name, TV Dodee is nothing like book Dodee. So when I asked her if she has read the book, she told me about an interesting experience she had trying to read it. She said, “I started to read the book, and it was a safety hazard on USA Airways. They made me stow away the book because I couldn’t have it on my lap. It was too big (nearly 1,100 pages).” Then when she was allowed to read it, she told me “I noticed that Dodee died, and I was like that’s it. I quit! I’m out! I’m not reading it!” Which is a good thing she stopped there. I won’t say what happens to her character in the book, but even I had a hard time reading Dodee’s fate. She also shared with me another reason why she put the book down, “I wanted to experience the Dome as my character and really make it feel natural. Not play something, I read.” Not that the two have a lot in common past what she read, but I respect her decision for playing the character as is and not what it should be.
Under the Dome is a Sci-Fi show and playing in this genre is something that is new for this actress that started out in musical theater before landing leading roles on Do Not Disturb, 10 Things I Hate About You and Gigantic and a recurring one on Glee. She is really enjoying doing Sci-Fi, and during the show’s hiatus she is hoping to do a comedy or two. Through her body of work we know she can tackle it all, so I hope we see her in at least one comedy before she get trapped under the Dome again next summer.
Now as you probably figured, the show isn’t really filmed in a Dome but it is shot in North Carolina. So when I asked her what it is like to work there, the California native told me “I got to experience weather. I got to experience bugs at their finest.” Then she added with a big smile on her face, “The people there were very very very very very sweet.” Just like Jolene and that is just another reason why we love her so much on Under the Dome.
So watch it tonight on CBS at 10p to see what happens in Chester’s Mill when their worst fears come true…
BTWF ads: Samantha Mathis for Always |
August 5th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]
Before Samantha Mathis played a mother on Under the Dome, she was happy that her Always pads were not designed for her mother. How cute was the 16 year old in that 1986 commercial.
Under the Dome gives birth to a powerful episode tonight! |
August 5th, 2013 under Dean Norris, Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 10p on CBS the first baby is born Under the Dome. What comes with life? Death and there will be death, so have the tissues ready because it will be a sad one.
Ollie* (Leon Rippy) is not happy with the little kickbacks that Big Jim (Dean Norris) has given him for his water, so he decides to take what he wants. That will anger Big Jim and you don’t want to piss him off. What will the Selectman do to retaliate?
Then there are the Dundee boys who are causing havoc in Chester’s Mills. Last week (yesterday in the Dome) they killed Rose** (Beth Broderick) and tried to rape Angie (Britt Robertson), and they seem like they are uncontrollable. Will the police finally get hold of them before they kill again? Can Deputy Linda (Natalie Martinez) and Junior (Alexander Koch) arrest them or will the Dundees show them who runs the town now?
Julia’s (Rachelle Lefevre) neighbor goes into early labor and they need to find a doctor to deliver her baby. Alice (Samantha Mathis) is the only person who can do it, but she needs her insulin. Will she be able to deliver the baby or is she too sick to do it?
Finally Norrie (Mackenzie Lintz) and Joe (Colin Ford) find something that could be the power source of the Dome. Is it?
You will just have to tune in to this game changing episode to find out the answers to all of the above.
* In the book Ollie Dinsmore is a 14 year old boy, who loses his whole family after the Dome comes down on Chester’s Mill. He’s not an older man hijacking the town’s water supply. In fact, water was never an issue in the book.
** Rose was one of the very few survivors when the book ends.
BTWF roles: Jolene Purdy in Donnie Darko |
July 29th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Under The Dome. [ Comments: none ]
Before Jolene Purdy was trapped Under the Dome, she was in high school hell in Donnie Darko. How cute was the 18 year old in that 1991 movie.
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