Everyone has seen that photo of Rudy Giuliani’s white upper teeth and yellow stained lower ones. Well, that is not the only thing that does not match on him these days.
The former mayor wanted to look for his Fox News appearance, so he got someone to cut his hair in a time when no one can get haircuts. I guess they don’t like him because one side is a lot longer than the other one.
On a positive note, at least he still has hair. I thought he was completely bald. See there is always a positive to say if you look really, really, really hard!
Rand Paul revealed today that he has come down with Coronavirus.
Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19. He is feeling fine and is in quarantine. He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.
He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time. Ten days ago, our D.C. office began operating remotely, hence virtually no staff has had contact with Senator Rand Paul.
Even though he says he has been working remotely, Seung Min Kim reports, “During the Senate GOP lunch today, Moran told colleagues that Rand was at the gym this morning, per two sources briefed on the lunch, and that he was swimming in the pool. Rand got his COVID-19 results back this morning.”
To which Paul’s people responded with, “We want to be clear, Senator Paul left the Senate IMMEDIATELY upon learning of his diagnosis. He had zero contact with anyone & went into quarantine. Insinuations such as those below that he went to the gym after learning of his results are just completely false & irresponsible!”
Kim never said he went after he got the results. The fact that he got the test, then went to the gym and swam in the pool, is what he should not have done. He was supposed to wait until he got the results before he did anything. If anyone in the gym gets it, then they can sue him for giving it to them.
Then again, most of us are under the opinion that he and Mitch McConnell are the two biggest dicks in Congress. Thus, we should not expect anything less from the man who voted against giving 9-11 responders unlimited aid for the next 10 years. He is also the guy that stopped the vote on the stimulus package to help American during the COVID-19 crisis. When it finally went up for a vote, he voted against it. Even after testing positive, he still plans to vote against it.
I think, if any Senator, who goes to the gym, winds up getting it, then he should be forced to resign from Senate. While us people, who are Coronavirus-, are staying in our homes trying not to contract it and then give it, he is risking people’s lives while waiting for the results. That is everything the government is telling us not to do. He is supposed to lead by example, so we can all go out again. DON’T!
Chaka Khan has not been relevant since the ’80s, and her take on the National Anthem at the 2020 NBA All-Star Game started during it. The players were not taking a knee in protest of anything; they just got tired of standing as she slowly screamed out the Star Spangled Banner.
Her version was like her Masked Singer costume, a real Monster. No wonder she got eliminated so early. She is not the same woman singer she was when she sang Every Woman back in 1978.
Twenty-Five years ago, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were brutally murdered. To this day, we do not know who did it, but many people suspect that her ex-husband OJ Simpson did it. Although he was acquitted of the crime, he was not acquitted by most. He eventually went to jail, but for a different crime. Two and a half years ago he was paroled.
Ever since then he has been radio silent, but that is about to change. The disgraced football player joined Twitter and says, “I got a lot of getting even to do.” What that means, who knows? Better yet, why should we care? But we do.
While several actors and crew members are sad today because their shows were cancelled, Constance Wu is sad because Fresh Off the Boat was picked up for another season.
After the news broke, she tweeted, “So upset right now that I’m literally crying. Ugh. F*ck,” and “F*cking hell.” Now, we do not know if she was talking about the renewal from those tweets. Then I checked her replies and she replied to someone who said it was great news by saying, “No it’s not.” Therefore, we know she is talking about her sitcom.
Which I think is so f*cked up on her part. She was nothing until this show. Yeah, she was one of the stars of Crazy Rich Asians, but she didn’t get an Oscar nom and neither did the movie. She might have had more movies in the works, but she was never going to be a huge star and now she never will be.
Go tell Oliver Hudson, Vicki Lawrence, Micah Fowler and the others how you feel. They all lost their jobs and you still have one. You are the weakest one on the show and I hope they keep you on to f*ck with you, you ungrateful bitch.
UPDATE: Constance Wu later tweeted, “Todays tweets were on the heels of rough day&were ill timed w/the news of the show. Plz know, Im so grateful for FOTB renewal. I love the cast&crew. Im proud to be a part of it. For all the fans support, thank u & for all who support my casual use of the word f*ck-thank u too😘” Do you believe her? I do not. I think she got yelled at by a lot of people and this her trying to save face.