Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tyra Banks
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Tyra Banks clamis she had nothing to do with this America’s Next Top Model ad!
August 16th, 2010 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 1 ]

America’s Next Top Model has taken a lot of criticism over this promo that was described as the girl with the smallest waist in the world. Well today Tyra Banks responded to the criticism and she claims she had nothing to do with it.

Tyra’s Take On Top Model Controversy

First and foremost, I want to give a personal shout-out to each and every one of you who spoke out and took a stance on the Top Model Cycle 15 teaser trailer that was released last week. My life’s mission is to expand the definition of beauty – EVERY kind of beauty! This is one of the reasons I created “America’s Next Top Model” just 8 years and 15 Cycles ago…since then we’ve challenged all different stereotypes of beauty with race, weight, height and beyond. The overwhelming response sparked by the Top Model trailer shows that the overarching message of the show – to accept and celebrate all types of beauty – is reaching and affecting our viewers. I knew I had to address this once I realized that this message was on the line.

On behalf of the entire Top Model team, I am truly sorry for the style in which the Top Model promo clip was presented. Like all of my projects, I am extremely involved in “America’s Next Top Model” from casting the final contestants to conceptualizing the episode challenges, but with all the work and details that go into producing a TV show, I can’t be 100 places at once (although I try), but it’s just impossible for me to see everything that’s created before it’s released to all of you! That being said I can assure you – that cut has been removed from the CW airwaves, and the message conveyed in that video was NOT intentional, and is certainly not Top Model- or Tyra-approved. The Top Model team is extremely talented and truly enjoys creating fun, engaging promos and episodes for you. The team really wants to entertain you, while promoting and embracing multiple forms of beauty. Sometimes in the quest to have fun in a limited amount of time, especially in a 20-second promo, our overarching message can be misconstrued, and in this case it most certainly was.

To the people who see me as a representation of upholding the fact that beauty comes in all sizes, I personally apologize. The jokes of my fellow judges connected with my edited sound bite sounded like I was supporting unhealthy eating habits. This has never and will NEVER be the case – I am and will always be committed to promoting healthy body image.

As a pre-teen, much of the body image pain I experienced was NOT being able to gain weight. Being so incredibly thin, I was the receiver of countless stares; feeling helpless. I’ve also been (VERY) publicly attacked for being bigger. Being on the receiving end of both sides of that pain has really shaped my perspective.

Ann (the young woman featured on the Cycle 15 promo) like so many other women that stand before us on the Top Model judging panel or approach me on the street, was experiencing her own internal struggles with her body, and the cruelty she faces on a daily basis directly related to the way she looks (stemming from her 6’2″ height), some of which is revealed in the upcoming season. I offered her the same level of support and encouragement I’ve extended to all younger women that have opened up to me – the girls and young women who attended my TZONE camp way back, guests on The Tyra Show, past Top Model contestants and strangers on the street. Having the opportunity to be there and help all of these women drives me to further my mission.

Taking a look ahead, on Sept 15th, week two of the new episodes of Cycle 15, we do a photo shoot that deals with beauty, body image and bullying. This is an issue that I’m passionate about and am so happy we did. The girls really express what they are insecure about in a big way. Many sensitive issues are discussed at the shoot and in the judging room. I’d like to ask you to do something – it would be great if you could show support for them as well as people you know going through similar circumstances. The Top Model girls exposed themselves, to heal themselves and you. For some, it was a painful process.

Again, if you’re ever unhappy with anything you see, we want to know. I want to know. Thank you so much.


While I understand that try to show all sizes of beauty on the show, they always seem meaner to the plus-size models (which aren’t always plus-size) than they are to the skinny ones. It really came off as they were praising this model with such a tiny waist to me.
BTW do you think that Tyra was sincere with the message she put on her website? I think she was very sincere when she told us to watch it on September 15th.


Tyra Banks is rabid
May 1st, 2010 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Tyra Banks started off her show pretending that she was bit by rabid dog and has rabies. It was the stupidest thing I have ever seen on Daytime TV, that it made Jerry Springer look as intellectual as NPR. I don’t have words to describe how asinine that was, but I think the audiences reaction says it all.
BTW just like a rabid dog is put down, thankfully soon her stupid talk show will follow the same fate and her sad chapter of daytime television will be closed forever.


Tyra Banks makeup free
March 25th, 2010 under No makeup, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 3 ]

Fame Pictures
Tyra Banks actually ventured out of her house into public without makeup and America’s Next Top Model host looked anything like a fresh-faced model. I think the soon-to-be-out of talk show host is really plain without being glammed up with facial paint. She didn’t even follow the advice she gives to the contestants of ANTM and Smeyes for the paparazzi.


A twice fallen America’s Next Top Model
March 18th, 2010 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 2 ]

Yesterday on The CW America’s Next Top Model the girls had to walk the runway and avoid getting hit by two swining pendulums. Alexandra like all the models was ready to attempt the challenge, but unlike the other girls she fell short on the challenge not once but twice. First she fell walking down the steps, which left everyone in gasps. Then it looked like things turned around for her as she successfully walked past the pendulums and didn’t get hit, but then as she attempted to walk past then again she got smacked in the a$$ and fell off the runway! Since she only suffered some minor cuts and because she was not eliminated from the competition, I don’t feel as guilty saying I can’t stop watching that video over and over again and laughing my a$$ off!


Janice Dickinson totally dissed Tyra Banks!!!
February 22nd, 2010 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 2 ]

Janice Dickinson was on Alan Carr’s show in London and totally dissed Tyra Banks. Not only did she make fun of her former-co-judge’s huge forehead, she also said that Tyra was plain huge. How huge? Janice thought she was a man and would check to see if Miss Tyra has the Miss in front of her name like Miss J! Ouch! I wish she was back on America’s Next Top Model because it was much better when she was on it as compared to now when they go through top models every few cycles. And I am not looking forward to André Leon Talley joining the show this season.


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