Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri
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Is Tom Cruise in the running for President?
August 13th, 2019 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2008, Miles Fisher played Tom Cruise in Superhero Movie. Now, 11 years later he decided to take another run at it. This time, he played the actor running for president in the best campaign ad any candidate has ever put out. So much so, I wish the real Tom Cruise was running for Commander in Chief and not just running in his trailers?

Actually, since Cruise is busy making movies, I say Miles Fisher should run instead. It is not the first time we had a liar in the White House. At least this time we would know what we are getting into.

Seriously though, doesn’t Fisher sound just like the Top Gun? If you close your eyes, you will not be able to tell if it is the real thing or not.


Tom Cruise does not run in the Top Gun: Maverick trailer
July 18th, 2019 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Is it a Tom Cruise trailer if he is not running in it? I guess it is because he only walks in the Top Gun: Maverick trailer. However, he still feels the need, the need for speed in it.

He is just feeling it in a jet and on a motorcycle. Which is faster than running. I guess that is better?

When it comes to the trailer, it looks like it is going to be a total Dick Flick. Unlike the original film that also has romance in it. If it is going to be all speed, then I will not be going to see it on June 26th.

Women loved the original as much as men because it was an equal mix of Dick and Chick Flick. If they don’t do that again, it won’t be a classic like the original. It will just be another Tom Cruise film and haven’t we had enough of those? Same movie, different character name.

On a Cruise note, he will be on Conan tonight at 11p on TBS talking about this trailer.


Who would win fight in an Octagon: Justin Bieber or Tom Cruise?
June 10th, 2019 under Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Bieber decided, for some reason, to challenge Tom Cruise to a fight? The Baby singer wrote, “I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the octagon. Tom if you dont take this fight your scared and you will never live it down. Who is willing to put on the fight? @danawhite ?”

Does the 25-year-old really think he has a shot at beating the 56-year-old, who still does his own stunts? The Top Gun would once again prove why he is still the Top Gun.

I have a feeling this tweet was a dare or something like that because no way the Beebs is that stupid.


Tom Cruise does a lot of running all over the World!
March 22nd, 2019 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Tom Cruise runs a lot in movies. You could say it is a running gag about him. I crack myself up!

Anyways, Vanity Fair compiled all of his running scenes from his vast array of his movie throughout the years and then they mapped out his locations all over the World. His feet must be hurting because where haven’t they been?

Now that we know he has run all over the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, equalling 9,021.6 feet, maybe it is time he gave his feet a break and walked for a bit.

That or take lessons on how to run because let’s be honest, he runs strangely.


Will Tom Cruise survive the next two Mission Impossible movies?
January 14th, 2019 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

When Tom Cruise was making the last Mission Impossible movie, a stunt went wrong and he shattered his ankle when he crashed it into the side of a building. Today, the 56-year-old announced that he will be filming not one but two Mission Impossible movies. Can the ageing actor still do those wild stunts like he used to or has his age caught up to him? We will find out in 2020 and 2021 when those movies come out. If they come out?


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