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RuPaul’s TMI!
August 27th, 2024 under RuPaul, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

RuPaul told us something he shouldn’t be telling us. What is it? He sits down when he tinkles. “I know it’s kind of strange. But you know why not have a little rest when you can,” he revealed.

But it didn’t stop there: “The only problem is when you sit down to tinkle, your body says, ‘Hey, listen, while you are down there, why don’t you…'” You know what he was talking about—killing two birds with one stone!

So, why did he share that TMI with us? He is promoting Chelsea Devantez’s book I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This (But I’m Going to Anyway), which is this month’s selection for RuPaul’s Book Club!

So what is something you shouldn’t tell but will tell me? You start!


Meghan Trainor’s TMI
October 24th, 2022 under Meghan Trainor, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

Meghan Trainor is going to perform on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon tonight. However, she got a visitor this morning. Her Aunt Flo came for a visit. Aren’t you glad you know that?


Meghan Trainor’s TMI
August 25th, 2022 under Meghan Trainor, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

Meghan Trainor has already told us that she likes to go to the bathroom with her husband. So much so that she and Daryl Sabara have his and hers toilets.

So, I bet you wonder what it looks like when he doesn’t want to pee with her. You know you want to know. So today, she shared that with us.

Since she is peeing, I can say no one, including her, gives a shit about that.

Oh, wait. I did because I just wrote about it. Sigh.


Charlie Puth’s TMI about peppermint oil and his junk
May 25th, 2022 under Charlie Puth, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

Charlie Puth took to TikTok to share an embarrassing story about himself. One morning, he woke up and decided to go to Pilates. Since he was running late, he didn’t have time to shower. So when he got there, he noticed that the place had peppermint spray in the bathroom. Therefore, he put it on his armpits and all over his crotch.

Now, you know where the story is going. If you have ever accidentally put menthol on your private parts, then you know what Puth is talking about. You feel like they do in a York Peppermint Patty commercial. It feels like ice, ice baby.

And that is how it felt to the singer. So much so, he had to leave the class so that he could pass on out the street. He eventually came to and spent the next with a cold dick.

To me, that would be the perfect opportunity to go down on him because he will leave my mouth minty fresh. Plus, there would be no way he would be sticking that ice cold thing in me. Once you experience the chill of peppermint oil down there, you never want to experience it again.


Bronson Pinchot’s TMI reveal to get people to wear masks
August 24th, 2021 under Bronson Pinchot, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

Bronson Pinchot did a video to reveal if he has been asked to be in Beverly Cop IV since they are getting ready to ramp up production. In the video, he shared something about himself that is a TMI.

“Some people don’t believe in masks, but that’s fine. Can’t they wear one just to be nice,” he asked. “Cause I don’t believe in underwear, but I wear one when I have a costume fitting so that nobody has to, you know, handle or push my-away.”

He is 100% right. I don’t like wearing a bra. But I wear one because I don’t want my heavy boobs distracting people. Do you want to see them hanging loose? Do you want them touching you if we get too close? Nope! So, I wear a bra for you. Now, please wear a mask for me, or the girls will go free.

Now, when it comes to, will Serge be in Beverly Hills Cop IV? It looks his character is only on the odd sequels like the first and third ones. Hopefully, Eddie Murphy will change his mind because we need Pinchot’s commando-style in the action-comedy.


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