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The man who has a doll as a wife
February 3rd, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

TLC’s My Strange Addiction has done some very intense segments on the show that airs Wednesdays at 9p and now they are doing one on a man who considers a life-size doll. According to the website, Davecat ” eats meals with her, shops for her, dresses her and is convinced she returns back the same type of affection.” I am not going to comment because let’s be real it is very easy.
What I will say is when I saw the video it reminded me of the song written by Andy Summers for The Police called Be My Girl, Sally. If you have never heard the song listen to it below and you will understand why!


Lauren the living stuffed animal
January 28th, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

We have all heard of furries, but Laura is different than them. Unlike furries, her dressing up like a stuffed animal is not for sexual fetish means. According to TLC’s My Strange Addiction, “Lauren can’t imagine going to a party or social event without wearing her fur suit. She’s completely dedicated to her “fursona” — designing and sewing her costume well into the night, it even takes priority to finding a job.” I don’t have a problem with her hiding behind her mask, but I don’t even want to imagine what she must smell like when the suit comes off?
BTW I wonder why she doesn’t try to get a job at the Happiest Place on Earth because I think if she did she would be the Happiest Person on Earth!


Mikey’s beard goes under the American Chopper!
August 24th, 2010 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

American Chopper’s Mikey has been growing out his beard for a while and he finally decided to shave it off. Now that he has cleaned up his act after reportedly entering rehab at the end of last year, he decided to clean up his face too and get rid of that hairy beast. Once he lost the overgrown fur ball, he actually looked his age and not his father’s. Hopefully now he will get a haircut too to go with his new look!
BTW you can watch him Thursdays on TLC at 9p on American Chopper!


You’ll never guess where Kate Gosselin and Donald Trump met up!
July 8th, 2010 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Donald Trump. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
Kate Gosselin and Donald Trump both have an abundance of things, she has lots of kids and he has lots and lots of money. So what is the thing that both that they both want a lot of? They both want lots and lots of media attention, so it is only natural at some point they would meet up. It is just where they met up that surprised me. Kate Plus 8 and The Apprentice boss were seen together backstage at another media whore’s event…a Lady Gaga concert at MSG. Yep you read that right they both spent the night watching Lady Gaga’s Poker Face. Maybe The Donald thought it was casino act and the mother of 8 thought it was a Paparazzi event because of the song and we know she loves the paparazzi.
Anyways Fame Pictures is thinking that it wasn’t a chance meeting between the two, they are saying that Kate might be one of the “celebrities” on Celebrity Apprentice in the spring. I hope it isn’t so because it was bad enough we had to suffer through her on Dancing with the Stars. Plus if we thought that Holly Robinson Peete was a bitch, she will look like a sweetheart as compared to Kate.
BTW what is up with Melania Trump’s smile?


The 650 lb Virgin
December 29th, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 4 ]

I read a headline the other day that TLC goes from oversized families to oversized people and I didn’t understand what that meant until I saw this promo for the 650 Lb Virgin: The Weight is Over. While I admire the guy for losing the weight in a natural way to get himself in to a healthy shape, why do a show about losing your virginity? Of all the accomplishments he wants to achieve with now that he has lost all the weight that is the one he wants featured about him? I don’t what is sadder, the fact that he is letting TLC do a special about it or the fact that TLC is that desperate to fill the hole vacated by Jon & Kate Plus 8?
BTW I hope that not only has he lost the weight, I hope he has lost his virginity by now! Talk about an enjoyable exercise!!!


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