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Meet the woman largest natural breasts and the man with the biggest pen!s!!!
July 12th, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

via Monsters & Critics
Annie is the Guinness Book of Records with the World’s Largest Natural Breasts and TLC spoke with the woman whose bra size is 102ZZZ for Strange Sex. I don’t know about you ladies, but I feel flat compared to her and I am not small chested. I also fear for any man that motorboats her because they might be lost in her cleavage forever. And I bet a lot guys would be willing to die that way. Imagine what his tombstone would read, “Here lies Harold, he died very very very happy motorboating a woman with the 102ZZZ natural breasts. Loving son, brother and envied by every man in the World.”
Oh here is something for us ladies, Jonah has the World’s Largest Pen!s that is 9″ when soft and 13.5″ when hard. I have not been able to uncross my legs since I have watched the video from Strange Sex and especially after finding nude pictures of him online.


Got breast Milk?
June 27th, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

via Monsters and Critcs
TLC continues to amaze me with the type of shows that they consider topics I want to learn about. Now I admit I like the concept of Strange Sex, but for some reason I am not as grossed out about it when it is on Skinemax. But when it is on The Learning Channel and it is couple talking about how the guy gets turned on by breastfeeding from his wife, I want to ban all guys from the doing the same to a non-lactating me. I don’t know why this clip creeped me out so much, but it did. And because of it I am going to be doubling up on calcium pills cause I don’t know when I will want to drink milk again.
BTW my favorite part from that clip is when the uptight woman describes what a fetish is. Like duh.


Go Go Juice for everyone because Honey Boo Boo Child is getting her own show
May 31st, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

TLC is giving Honey Boo Boo child her own show and I don’t know why I can’t wait to watch it. According to Us Weekly the 6 half hour episodes will begin airing in August.
Now to make myself feel better about watching this guilty pleasure, I have come up with a drinking game to get us through it. Instead of using alcohol, I say let’s use Go Go Juice which is a mixture of Mountain Dew and Red Bull. It is a sugar high like you have never experienced and believe me I almost had to go to rehab for my problems with sugar.
Now back to game:
Every time she says Honey Boo Boo Child, drink once.
Every time she shows her belly, drink twice.
Every time either she or mother mention or say anything about couponing, drink three times.
Every time she wins a pageant, drink the whole sugary mixture.
By the time TLC gets to the first commercial, you will be so drunk on Go Go Juice that you will be running faster than Superman and think you can fly higher. Fight that temptation because you can’t.


Is it wrong that I want to try Go Go Juice?
February 18th, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Anderson, Anderson Cooper tried Boo Boo Honey Child’s Go Go Juice and he immediately was addicted. Even though he described it as Mountain Dew and Red Bull mixed together it should be a turn off to me, I so want to try it. I just pity anyone that is near me because I will become as hyper as Toddler and Tiara’s latest little star.


How did I miss Honey Boo Boo Child on Toddlers & Tiaras???
February 15th, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

So Zach Braff Tweeted the above video and said, “This is so disturbing/hilarious” and of course I had to check it out. Let’s just say “disturbing/hilarious” is the perfect way to sum up that video of 6 year old Alana Holler on TLC’s Toddlers & Tiaras. The little girl talked like she is ready to join Jersey Shore right now and after she had her Go-Go Juice she acted like a drunk Snooki.
You know what TLC and MTV, I think I have your next hit reality show Snooki and Honey Boo Boo Child, they can compete at pageants together during the day and party on Go-Go Juice at night. I mean they would be so perfect together, same height, same moves, love to show off their bodies, spray tanning and act completely crazy on the Go-Go Juice. Although one of their Go-Go Juices will be alcohol-free and the other one will be 150 proof.
Watch that segment from the TLC show and don’t tell me you don’t think Snooki and her deserve to have a show together and that you wouldn’t watch every week? Crap in my head I am already on the second season.
BTW I included the Dr Drew interview, so you could find out what is in Go-Go Juice and the effect it had on him when he tried it. He acted like one the residents on Celebrity Rehab after just a few sips of it.


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