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Gold Rush is golden!
February 13th, 2015 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and people will spend roughly $5 million buying the precious metal for their loved ones. We know what it looks it and where to buy it, but do you know where it comes from?
Discovery’s Gold Rush follows the men who find it and there is reason why it is so expensive. It is a lot of hard grueling work to find the metal and tonight at 9p you can see arduous task it is to unearth it.
The show follows two crews in north-western Canada as they use different types of machinery to dig up the gold. Working in freezing temperatures, long days and in the elements leads to things going wrong. Things you can anticipate. Just because you get the machinery working, doesn’t mean you have found gold. They think they literally have struck gold, but they come up with payless dirt.
On tonight’s episodes, they are weeks away from concluding their season. The pressure is on the crews to reach their goals. The Hoffmans are hoping to find 1,000 ounces (which is worth $1.2 million dollars) of it before it’s over, but they haven’t even discovered 800 ounces yet. Then there is 20-year-old Parker who wants to double what the Hoffman’s goal is. So far he has found over 1,500 ounces worth $1.8 million, and with 25% of goal left he has his work cut out for him.
The Hoffmans depend on Big Red to sort the gold out from the elements, but when a boulder accidentally gets stuck in the machine, their work comes to a grinding halt. They need to figure out a way to get the jammed rock out before everything is a complete wash. Will they be able to get it out in time so they can get closer to their goal? Or will their goal be stuck inside the monster machine with that huge rock?
Parker keeps coming up empty with his searches, and he is more determined than ever to find the gold. There’s only one problem, his bulldozer needs serious repair and it will be out of commission. One of his employees thinks he found a place that has a lot of gold, only problem it is under a river. Will they be up the creek? Or will they find a way to move the water to get to the gold? Then if they do move the water, will they be fools because there is no gold there?
At the end of the day, one crew will find $40,000 worth of gold, while the other one will find almost 6X that. Want to see $250,000 worth of beautiful gold looks like, then you will have to tune in tonight at 9p to find out.
While us women love wearing gold, men love watching this show that is in its fifth season. It has been the #1 show on television among all men for the last five weeks. In fact, it is also Discovery’s #1 show. When you check it out, you will see why. Even though it is called Gold Rush, it is a true adrenaline rush. These men are up against the clock. They don’t know if they are going to find any gold in the dirt. If they do find it, will the machinery work so they can separate it? If the machinery does work, does that mean they found a lot? There is so much that can go wrong and so much that can go right at the end of the day. It is all of those things that leads to a very thrilling ride in a bulldozer. A ride you want to be on every Friday at 9p.


My Strange Addiction puts the mask on tonight
January 7th, 2015 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
My Strange Addiction is back on TLC tonight at 10p and it is strangely fascinating.
Tonight’s season premiere is all about Masking. Several men around the world dress up as living female dolls via Latex and Silicone masks and body suits. Most of them keep their persona a secret. They are afraid to go out in public dressed like that because they don’t know how or if strangers will accept them. Thankfully, there is a convention in Minnesota they can go to, to be themselves. Not only are they free to be who they are, they get to meet other people like them. This helps them to get the courage to tell others about their secret identity.
Not only do we get to go into their private lives and their convention, we also get to see one of the manufacturers of their female outerselves. They explain why they do it and what their customers are looking for.
At first when you see these people as Maskers, you think they are strange. But by the end of the hour, you understand why they do it. They aren’t hurting anyone, so I say let them do it.
If you are like me, then you probably never heard of Masking before My Strange Addiction. So tonight tune in to learn something new and to be interested in something you never thought would interest you. Who doesn’t need that every now and again, and you can get that every Wednesday night at 10p on TLC!


Get dolled up for My Strange Addiction!
December 30th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 2 ]
My Strange Addiction is coming back to TLC next Wednesday at 10p and the addictions are still strange. Coming up this season they have a woman who drinks air freshener up to 50 times a day. Then there is a 31 year old man who likes to play bedroom Bingo (o-o-o) with much older women. A woman who has been eating brick since she was 17, and I have to wonder what her poop is like. Be prepared to take a ride with a woman who is married to a Carnie. What’s so weird about that? Bruce in a carnival ride. Finally, there is 70 year old Robert, who dresses up in latex from head to as a female doll.
You got to give it to TLC, they always find the most interesting people to be part of their educational shows. I have learned so much from this show and Sex Sent Me to the ER, and no other network has taught me as many important lessons as they have.


Franco & Rogen get Naked & Afraid on the same night as Eaten Alive!!!
November 19th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Seth Rogen. [ Comments: none ]

Discovery announced today that the Naked & Afraid episode with James Franco and Seth Rogen is going to air on the same night a man is Eaten Alive by a snake. So on December 7th at 8p, we will look out for Franco and Rogen’s trouser snakes and then at 9p we will watch a man poop in his trousers as he gets eaten by an anaconda! Sounds like excellent programming to me.
If I were all the other networks, I would cancel any original programming that they have planned for that night because all anyone will be watching is these two shows. I know, I will be glued to my TV watching Discovery that Sunday night! Who wants to live Tweet with me and the rest of the World Wide Web when it happens?
BTW if those two shows are not enough for you, then at 11:15p Discovery will air “an even raunchier, uncensored cut” of the show. How mega is all of that? Mega enough to start of the channel’s Mega Week!!! Mega wow!


Discovery wants you to know the snake survived Eaten Alive
November 12th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Last week people were shocked, horrified, curious and excited when they heard that Discovery is airing a show called Eaten Alive during Mega Week. The special that airs on December 7th features Paul Rosolie being eaten by a snake. The explorer explained why he is doing it, “I’ve seen first-hand how the Amazon Rainforest is being destroyed. It is so rampant that we may be the last generation with the opportunity to save it. People need to wake up to what is going on. What better way is there to shock people than to put my life on the line with the largest snake on the planet, the Green Anaconda?” It will be interesting to see if that is what people are going to take away from the show. I know, I will be taking away the fact that a guy was actually eaten by a snake.
The other thing people are wondering about the show, is does the anaconda survive? Discovery concluded their press release today by saying, “Both Paul Rosolie and the Giant Green Anaconda are healthy and alive.” Is it wrong for me to say as a woman I am kind of bummed? Imagine all the belts, purses and shoes that reptile could’ve made. Joking, I have never been into snake skin or snakes to be honest.
Finally, I wonder if when the snake was done eating Rosolie, he said, “Tastes like chicken!”


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