Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Final Destination
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Don’t Look Back is the movie treat we need for this tricky Halloween
September 16th, 2020 under The Final Destination. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever witnessed someone being attacked, and did nothing? What if that person died and then they decided to get revenge on all of those who did not to stop it, nor did they help him. That is the premise for Don’t Look Back.

The terrifying horror movie is from Jeffrey Reddick, the same evil genius who gave us Final Destination. Even in the trailer, I can see his brilliance at work. Thus, I will be watching it on October 16th, when it comes out in theaters and on home video.

I just might not be looking forward at the screen the whole time. You know, because it is too frightening for me to look at without my hands over my eyes.


How much do you wish to see The Final Wish?
January 15th, 2019 under Movies, The Final Destination. [ Comments: none ]

On January 24th, for one night only, The Final Wish is coming to a theater near you. The suspenseful horror movie proves that getting everything you wish for might not be a good thing. Although, the movie should be a good thing because it by Jeffrey Reddick who gave us the terrifying Final Destination.

Aaron Hammond (Michael Welch) returns to his hometown to help his grieving mother (Lin Shaye), who is dealing with the loss of her husband and his dad, and to confront his past demons. While going through his father’s stuff he finds a mysterious object. An object that seems like the answer to all of his dreams, but turns everything into a living nightmare. Will he be able to break the curse with Tony Todd or will he never wake up this ongoing nightmare.

Find out when the movie hits theaters for one magical night that will stay with you long after the end credits roll. To see if it is playing near you, check out Fathom. Not only will you get to see the film, but you also get to view a Q&A with the cast and producers that was filmed at Screamfest. Not a bad deal.


The clock starts over for Final Destination
January 12th, 2019 under The Final Destination. [ Comments: none ]

To me, Final Destination is the best horror franchise of the new millennium, thus I have anxiously been awaiting a new movie from the series. The only problem is that the last film made everything come full circle. Therefore, how can they do a sixth movie?

The franchise’s EP, Jeffrey Reddick, broke the news that more people, who thought they cheated death, will die slow horrible unpredictable deaths. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the movie will be a reimagining of the concept and that is all we know for now. That and Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan, the writers who put a piranha in a woman’s vajayjay and then had it latch on a to a man’s pen!s during sex in Piranha 3DD, will be writing FD6. They also worked on four of the Saw movies, but I will focus on the sequel to the killer fish movie.

I cannot wait to see what mass death scene brings our victims together again for the short rest of their lives. Maybe a train since they have already done planes and automobiles?


Will Final Destination 5 be Saved By The Bell?
August 4th, 2011 under The Final Destination. [ Comments: none ]

via Deadline
Miles Fisher is starring in Final Destination 5 that is out next Friday and he has come out with an interesting way to promote it. He got some of the actors from the movie, came up with a song and did a parody of the latest movie in the franchise as a Saved By The Bell episode. In a weird way it worked as he portrays the slow and unpredictable deaths that occur in the movie and it makes me want to see the movie even more. It also made fall in love with Miles Fisher because that short is f*cking brilliant. He needs to do a parody movie like Scary Movie because you know he will do it right unlike the Wayans Brothers! Seriously how have never heard of this of him before, but he is so on my radar now!


Final Destination comes alive for 5!
May 9th, 2011 under The Final Destination. [ Comments: none ]

Final Destination is back with its 5th disaster where people who should’ve died during it didn’t, but will die afterwards for surviving it. No one f*cks with death’s design and I can’t wait to see how he gets back at them for messing with his plan especially after that trailer.
I have always said that franchise is my favorite horror one of the last decade, so I will be there day one to see this movie that looks like it will be as good as the four that came before it.


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