Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Taylor Lautner
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This role will be a Stretch for Taylor Lautner
February 6th, 2010 under Taylor Lautner, Twilight. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Taylor Lautner is going from Werewolf to superhero. The Twilight star has signed on to play Stretch Armstrong according to Heat Vision. Personally I think he is the wrong actor for the role because he is too young and just doesn’t seem like Stretch Armstrong to me. But that could just be me, I am sure there are a lot of teenage girls who will disagree with me.


The Two Taylors are no more
December 29th, 2009 under Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Bauer-Griffin)

Now that Taylor Swift has entered her second decade of life, she is dumping her boyfriend Taylor Lautner who isn’t old enough to vote. According to what a source close to her told Us Weekly, “It wasn’t really developing into anything, and wasn’t going to, so they decided they were better as friends. There was no chemistry.” The source added, “He liked her more than she liked him. He went everywhere he could to see her, but she didn’t travel much to see him.” As of now the two will remain friends, something we will truly see when they start to promote Valentine’s Day, the movie that brought them together.
So who do you think will be her next Romeo?


Taylor Swift a Cougar?
October 29th, 2009 under Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Twilight. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Bauer Griffin)

There have been rumors that Taylor Swift is celebrating Valentine’s Day a little early with her co-star Taylor Lautner and according to People she kind of confirmed it to CMT Radio’s Cody Alan. When he asked if they were dating, she responded with, “I don’t know, he’s an amazing guy and we’re really close … and ah … yep,” she says on the radio show airing Thursday. “We’re in a movie together and I am really excited about seeing it.”
So why is she is a Cougar? Well as we know the Twilight star is only 17 and she is 19 so at their age that makes her Cougar!


BTWF roles: Taylor Lautner on Summerland
June 1st, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Taylor Lautner, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Before Taylor Lautner was a Werewolf in Twilight, he was just a kid on the beach on Summerland. How awwwdorable was the 12 year old back in 2004? He has definitely grown a lot in the last 5 years.
BTW here is some bonus behind-the-scenes video from his appearance.


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