Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Martin
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Steve Martin’s favorite moment on David Letterman is also mine!
September 25th, 2012 under David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin was on The Late Show yesterday to promote the DVD release of Steve Martin: The Television Stuff. The collection has some of his best moments of being on television for the last 40 years. Since he is a favorite on the CBS late night talk show, the Wild and Crazy Guy decided to share one of his most favorite appearances on the show. I know David Letterman thought it was stupid, but I thought it was brilliant. So watch it to see why I love it and gap-toothed didn’t!


Steve Martin’s park is NYC’s best new attraction
July 12th, 2012 under David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

A few months ago someone suggested to David Letterman that he open a park outside his The Late Show studios in Manhattan, so he did. Well Steve Martin thought it was such a good idea, he opened up a park and let me tell you it has all the fringe benefits of Central Park but in one condensed area. Seriously I can’t wait to get back to NY just so I could go to park and see his grass that will leave you as high as a kite without actually flying one.


Steve Martin makes Jack Black go down!
October 10th, 2011 under Ellen DeGeneres, Frat Pack, Jack Black, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson were on Ellen DeGeneres today to promote their movie The Big Year and Nacho Libre left the taping all wet. Black was the member of the crew that was asked to be in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Dunk Tank and his two co-stars were the ones that had to make him go down. While Owen played the game correctly Steve Martin, had his own ideas and I wonder what that says about how he feels about Black???
BTW from behind I can’t tell Ellen and Owen apart because they have the same hair!


The Big Year that Steve Martin became Jack Black’s dad
September 8th, 2011 under Frat Pack, Jack Black, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

It has been a long time since Steve Martin and Jack Black have done a good funny movie and I am not sure that this will be The Big Year for them as they play father and son in a film together. You know it is not going to be that good when the intro to the trailer is funnier than anything in the preview. Poor Luke, I mean Owen Wilson, but at least for him it was the legendary Dean Martin who confused him for his brother.


Alec Baldwin steals Steve Martin’s thunder, but he hams it up!
March 17th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin, David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin was a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman and Alec Baldwin was in the audience. After they hosted the Oscars together last year, Alec Baldwin tied Steve Martin’s record of hosting Saturday Night Live the most at 15 times. It looks like it has made their relationship like their movie…and It’s complicated. Because as soon as Jack Donaghy heard he was on the show he made a run for 30 Rock.
Even though the Wild and Crazy guy seemed shocked by his Oscar co-hosts words, he was still able to steal the show back and ham it up during his interview. Who knew The Jerk had such a large Bowfinger down there? I think Alec Baldwin set him, don’t you?
Seriously how funny were both of those bits? They had me laughing out loud!


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