Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Carell
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The best person to introduce Kelly Clarkson is…
September 9th, 2019 under Kelly Clarkson, Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]
Today was the day that The Kelly Clarkson Show debuted and they had the perfect person to call out her name. Someone who has done it before in a very memorable way. Of course, that person is Steve Carell. Sadly, this time he screamed out her name without getting his chest waxed. That would have been the cherry on top for me. But then again, I am a sadist and that is my favorite scene in the movie.

When it comes to the talk show, it was a good first show. She did a great job interviewing The Rock who filled in for the injured Kevin Hart. Plus, she had some cute interactions with her neighbors, This Is Us and America’s Got Talent. I think the show has a long future ahead of it.


The Office in space!
January 16th, 2019 under Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]
Greg Daniels and Steve Carell worked on a show called The Office together back in the day, and now they are working on a new office space comedy together for Netflix. This one is going to be based on the new military branch Space Force.

You know, one of the many jokes that Donald Trump is wasting our taxpayer dollars on. Which makes me wonder if Netflix is pranking us with this show because it is just so random. I am waiting for them to do another announcement for this show and go April Fools. Do you think it is a real show or they are pulling one over us? Or are you so over the moon about the news, you know it has to be real?


Could Welcome to Marwin get Steve Carrell the Oscar?
June 20th, 2018 under Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out the Welcome to Marwin. A true story about a man who was beaten so severely, he does not remember the attack.

An attack so devastating not only his mind but also his body. He lost the ability to draw, which is what he did for a living. Therefore, he came up with an alternative to express his creativity. He told his story via dolls. A story so powerful people, he touched the people around him. Now, it is going to be touching more people.

18 years after he was attacked for being different, his story is being told on the big screen and Steve Carrell will be playing him. The movie tugs at our heartstrings and it looks like Carrell could maybe bring home the Oscar for his performance.

The only thing is that Universal should not be pitching it as the feel-good holiday movie because it is not. It has its moments, but it also looks like a real tearjerker. One I cannot wait to see. What about you?


BTWF roles: Steve Carell in Curly Sue
March 28th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]
Before Steve Carell worked in the stock room at Smart Tech in the 40-Year-Old Virgin, he was a waiter in Curly Sue. He looks the same now as he did when he was 28 in that 1991 movie.


Why Universal almost killed The 40 Year Old Virgin
January 12th, 2016 under Conan O'Brien, Frat Pack, Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Carell was on Conan tonight and the TBS late night host asked him if it is true that The 40 Year Old Virgin almost didn’t happen. Carell told him that is true and explained what happened. After the first week of filming, Judd Apatow got a call from the big wigs at Universal and they said they wanted to talk to them because they were shutting them down production. At the meeting the execs said, “We’ve been watching footage…You look like a serial killer.”
They were judging this even though they had not shot any dialogue during their first four days of filming. At that point all they filmed was him riding his bike with a helmet and him walking looking at posters on the street. Which seems weird that they came to that assumption.
Luckily for us, they didn’t listen and went right filming that Monday. Can you imagine if that film never got released? All the other films of Carell and Apatow’s that might not have happened. This movie really launched both of their big screen careers.


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